Fibery stuff around the internet

I haven’t been doing much work on fiber projects lately. Honestly, I’ve been doing a lot of reading. I go on serious reading jags sometimes, and find it’s usually best to just give in and read until I don’t have such a strong urge to, resistance just doesn’t work well. I have been working a bit on a new challenge project, but after I started it I decided it wasn’t looking right, so I tore it apart and haven’t started it again. Once I get some substantial progress on that I’ll post pictures and details, but right now it’s just a vague idea in my head that won’t make sense to anyone else anyway.

Now that I’ve said all this you might be asking why I’m posting then. Well, I feel bad if I don’t post, so I decided that to entertain you I’d share links to a few of the neat fiber things I’ve found online. There is so much more out there than this, but I can only find so much on my own, so please share any cool sites you know of in the comments! I am always looking for more cool fiber stuff online!

To the links!

I’m a big fan of saving money and the planet, so I just love this tutorial for making waxed cloth to wrap your food in.

I learned to make friendship bracelets in second grade and have loved making them ever since. So I’m always excited to find instructions for new types, like this one with hearts on it. The blog it’s on also has several other neat little fibery projects.

A rocking chair that knits! Need I say more?

Twenty-three weird but awesome knitted things. The title says it all, although I’m not so sure that the one crocheted thing they have in the list counts. I think there should be a list of just crocheted things, and for all I know, there is!

I’ve known about Knitty, the online knitting magazine, for a long time, but I recently discovered the Twist Collective, which is another online knitting magazine. Can you ever have too many knitting magazines? I don’t think so.

The Embroiderer’s Guild has quite a helpful website. They’ve got a couple magazines and a shop, but also lots of free stuff (always my favorite!) like a gallery and info about big names in embroidery.

Interested in crafting as a livelihood and not just a hobby? This article by another blogger has some useful insights on pricing and how viable that might be, as well as info about an app she’s trying and a link to another article she wrote. Personally, I’ve thought about trying to sell stuff I make and have decided that while I may sell stuff occasionally, it’s mostly just because I want to make it and don’t want to keep it, so it will never be a business for me. And watch, now that I’ve said that, I’ll go out in a couple weeks and decide to make a living as a fiber artist.

And last, but definitely not least, a children’s book about yarn! Extra Yarn is a wonderfully adorable book that explains in the best, and cutest, way I’ve seen just why I prefer to craft for other people rather than myself. And being a librarian, how can I not advocate introducing children to not just books, but the joys of yarn too!


Now it’s your turn to share a favorite fiber site or two (or more if you want!). Enjoy the links, and I’ll try to do more crafting than reading this week, but I can’t promise it will work that way!

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